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Search results : fiscal policy

Global Macro Fundamental Industry Analysis 2.0 (March 2026)

2026-03-14This ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of new competitive advantages in many global macro industries.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro outlook. As of Spring-Summer 2026, we delve into the mainstream fundamental analysis of each of the mainstream global macro markets, sectors, and indu...+See More
AYA macro tech ebook on the fundamental analysis of each of the mainstream global macro markets, sectors, and industries September 2025

2025-09-11This ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of new competitive advantages in many global macro industries.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2025, we delve into the fundamental analysis of global macro industries in terms of competitive advantages, techn...+See More
AYA analytic report on macroeconomic policy developments July 2025

2025-07-01Geopolitical alignment often reshapes and reinforces asset market fragmentation in the broader context of financial deglobalization.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2025, we delve into the public policy implications of financial deglobalization in recent years. The U.S. and its...+See More
AYA macro ebook on the fundamental analysis of the global financial system March 2025

2025-03-03This new ebook delves into the fundamental analysis of competitive advantages in the global financial system.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2025, we delve into the fundamental analysis of core competitive advantages in the global financial system. In th...+See More
AYA analytic report on macroeconomic policy developments January 2025

2025-01-01The new homeland industrial policy stance tends to tilt toward substantially improving the worldwide resilience of global supply chains.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Winter-Spring 2025, this report delves into the homeland industrial policy stance worldwide. The current homeland industrial ...+See More
AYA analytic report on macro-financial stability policy developments July 2024

2024-07-07Central bank digital currencies (CBDC) can affect how the central bank makes macro-financial system and monetary policy decisions in support of the dual mandate of both price stability and maximum employment.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Summer-Fall 2024, this macro analytic report focuses on the macro-financial stability implications of central bank digital cu...+See More
AYA analytic report on the global macro economic outlook January 2024

2024-01-01Western governments use the new world order of trade to achieve non-economic goals such as national security, environmental protection, labor harmonization, and technological advancement etc.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Winter-Spring 2024, this macro analytic report focuses on the new world order of trade. In light of both recent tariffs and f...+See More
USPTO patent publication: Algorithmic system for asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation

2023-03-14This USPTO patent publication delves into our algorithmic system for dynamic conditional asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation.

This USPTO patent publication delves into our algorithmic system for dynamic conditional asset return prediction and fintech network platform automation. The current invention pertains to the novel, non-obvious, and applicable ...+See More
Stock market alphas help predict macroeconomic innovations.

2023-03-03This research article delves into mutual causation between stock market alphas and macroeconomic innovations.

This research article delves into mutual causation between stock market alphas and macroeconomic innovations. The online appendix provides complete econometric details and algorithms for empirical analysis. This empirical analy...+See More
AYA analytic report on the global macro economic outlook February 2023

2023-02-01Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines fresh light on the current global macro economic outlook.

Our fintech finbuzz analytic report shines light on the current global macro-financial outlook. As of Winter-Spring 2023, the macro analytic report delves into the recent triple mega trends of high inflation, interest rate norm...+See More
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Netflix suffers its first major loss of U.S. subscribers due to the recent price hikes.

Rose Prince

2019-08-14 10:31:00 Wednesday ET

Netflix suffers its first major loss of U.S. subscribers due to the recent price hikes.

Netflix suffers its first major loss of U.S. subscribers due to the recent price hikes. The company adds only 2.7 million new subscribers in 2019Q2 in stark

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Facebook, Twitter, and Google executives explain the scope of Russian interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election.

Apple Boston

2017-09-19 05:34:00 Tuesday ET

Facebook, Twitter, and Google executives explain the scope of Russian interference in the U.S. 2016 presidential election.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google executives head before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain the scope of Russian interference in the U.S. presidential el

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The Economist highlights a trifecta of plausible explanations for better economic fortunes during the current Trump administration.

Chanel Holden

2018-08-27 09:35:00 Monday ET

The Economist highlights a trifecta of plausible explanations for better economic fortunes during the current Trump administration.

President Trump and his Republican senators and supporters praise the recent economic revival of most American counties. The Economist highlights a trifecta

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Climate change and ESG woke capitalism

Dan Rochefort

2022-11-30 09:26:00 Wednesday ET

Climate change and ESG woke capitalism

Climate change and ESG woke capitalism In recent times, the Biden administration has signed into law a $375 billion program to better balance the economi

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American CEOs of about 200 corporations issue a joint statement in support of stakeholder value maximization.

Becky Berkman

2019-10-23 15:39:00 Wednesday ET

American CEOs of about 200 corporations issue a joint statement in support of stakeholder value maximization.

American CEOs of about 200 corporations issue a joint statement in support of stakeholder value maximization. The Business Roundtable offers this statement

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OECD cuts the global economic growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3% for the current fiscal year 2019-2020.

Rose Prince

2019-03-27 11:28:00 Wednesday ET

OECD cuts the global economic growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3% for the current fiscal year 2019-2020.

OECD cuts the global economic growth forecast from 3.5% to 3.3% for the current fiscal year 2019-2020. The global economy suffers from economic protraction

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